MJ Universe provides an interconnected collaborative network of independent experts along the licit value chain of cannabis – to unlock your business’ ideal strategy to navigate the industry – with a championing vision, targeting & objectives.
Our agents are recognized independent experts in their respective fields. We have vast experience with cannabis ventures of all kinds and at various stages of development. This experience allows
MJ Universe to create individual offers that match your company’s needs precisely. All this is based on data-driven KPIs, achievable objectives and measurable targets.
Cannabis is a highly regulated and challenging to navigate commodity. Few industries hold as much risk and potential at the same time – especially due to the long history of cannabis as a recreational drug. Failure to navigate the cannabis ecosystem can result in financial damages, costly delays, or in the worst case, a prison sentence. At the same time, licit and legal markets are emerging for those who manage to comply with the strict regulatory framework. To succeed, companies need to build strong collaborations with authorities, within the industry, and with their client base.
Our experts help you to navigate towards your goals safely. We support you: When you are overwhelmed by regulation; when you are unsure how to start or where to sell; when you want to expand into Germany with your products; when you face difficulties finding reliable partners and suppliers. Our experienced team guides you to unlock the full potential of your cannabis business. And we provide independent reviews of your risks and chances as a basis for your decisions.

Our Consulting Services.
Next Level & Future Strategy
You want to make your strategy fit for the future? We help you to understand your products in the context of the global megatrends. And we support your brand on the path to the next level.
Sales & Marketing Strategy
You are unsure about how to sell and market your products? We help you to find a differentiated sales and marketing strategy and connect you with your ideal clients. We support in finding KOL and create individual marketing materials matched to your individual requirements.
Collaborative Networks
Are you looking for reliable and trustworthy partners, experts, or suppliers? Our collaborative networks create new connections and help you to gain easy access to the industry.
Communication Strategy
Cannabis is more than a drug. We assist you to find a communication strategy that reflects you and your products and that goes beyond the stoner stereotype. We are strongly connected within the German ecosystems and can offer our network and special deals through our media-network.
Markets & Regulatory
Do you want to understand the German market and regulatory environment? We help you to position your product correctly and legally compliant on the market – according to regulatory requirements.
OnDemand Hourly Consulting
You only have a couple of questions? We offer individual on demand hourly consulting.
Send us your questions in advance and make the most of your time. Reach out directly to Lisa via l_haag@mjuniverse.net